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2025 Continuing Education Approvals

Continuing Education Hours/ Units (CEUs) will be provided for the following 2025 World of Concrete Education Program seminars. Specific association provider approvals are noted in each session description.

  • 90-Minute
  • 3-Hour
  • 1-Hour Fast Facts
  • 4-Hour 
  • Hands-On Training
  • Interactive Workshops/Demonstrations

WOC 2025 Continuing Education Approvals

Attendees should receive an email approximately 7-8 weeks after the show noting when their attendance certificates are ready for digital download along with instructions for how to access them. Attendees may also view their attendee dashboard (accessible through the WOC registration confirmation email) to check the status of their digital attendance certificates. 

World of Concrete Show Management is pleased to announce that Informa Exhibitions has been approved as a continuing education provider for the below groups. For questions regarding the education program or the continuing education opportunities, contact WOC Education Program staff at [email protected]

Note: Contractors licensed by states requiring specific approval for Continuing Education Hours need to contact Brittany Hollis, Education Manager, 646-814-9232 or email [email protected]


Informa Markets is a registered provider (No.40107926) with the American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems (AIA/CES). All WOC Education Seminars (90-Minute, 3-Hour, 4-Hour), Hands-On Training, and Interactive Workshops/Demonstrations) are submitted to AIA/CES for Learning Units (LU) approval.

Architects are required to sign in with their AIA number at each seminar attended and to have their ID badge scanned in order to receive AIA/ CES Learning Unit credits.


Professional Development Hours (PDH) is a nationally recognized unit of record in non-credit professional development programs. Participants may obtain a self-reporting form at each seminar room for tracking the seminars they complete, and the amount of credit earned.

Engineers must have their ID badge scanned at each session. They must fill out and submit the self-reporting form with their WOC Certificates of Attendance (available 7-8 weeks after the show) and other appropriate course documents to their respective state agencies for PDH approvals.


Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA) offers a National Masonry Certification program to promote and provide a tool for measuring masonry industry professionalism and quality.

MCAA members will need to sign in with their member ID number at each approved seminar to receive credit.


Tilt-Up Concrete Association in conjunction with ACI Certification Department has approved select sessions to fulfill recertification requirements for ACI Tilt-Up Technician and ACI Tilt-Up Supervisor. Participants may obtain a self-reporting form at each approved course.

Attendees seeking credit for approved TCA recertification courses are required to submit the TCA Verification Form directly to the ACI Certification Department. 

World of Concrete Certificate of Attendance

The WOC Certificate of Attendance reflects each Education seminar (90-Minute, 3-Hour, 1-Hour Fast Facts, and 4-Hour), plus Hands-On Training and Interactive Workshop/Demonstration attended, and the Continuing Education Hours received. Attendees must have their ID badge scanned upon entry to the seminar in order to be verified and to ensure attendance credit is received.

Attendance certificates will be available for digital download approximately 7-8 weeks after the show. A notification email is sent to all verified attendees in the WOC Education Program with instructions for retrieving the certificates. To ensure receipt of this email notification, please use a unique email address (per attendee) when completing registration for WOC 2025. 

Questions? Please contact the WOC Education Team at [email protected]